The Personal Branding Photo Shoot Online Reveal!

Liz’s Personal Branding Photo Session Reveal Took Place On Zoom!

1st May, 2024

Liz’s Personal Branding was photographed at various locations, in my home town, of Launceston, Cornwall.

I am used to doing Photo Session Reveals for my Women Portrait clients, but for Personal Branding Photography the process has always been much more digitalised - it has always entailed an online gallery, and not much else!

Why The Different Approaches?

This is to do with the type of final product clients want/expect from these different styles of portraiture.

For Women Portraits, printed media is king.

For Personal Branding Portraits, digital images are the norm.

So I tailor the Reveal for each style, to suit my clients’ needs!

What Has Changed?

I decided that, from now on, I would like to have a half-way house approach to how I carry out the Personal Branding Reveal, in order to make it feel more, well, personal!

Given the nature of the images (digital), I felt that a good solution would be to do this on Zoom and I asked Liz whether she’d be my “tester”.

I was delighted when she agreed, and we set a date for it to happen: Wednesday, 15th of May.

Exactly two weeks after her photo shoot!

How Did It Go?

I want to say it went well, but…

I am now, more than ever, painfully aware of how I never stop talking when I get nervous!!!

And I was nervous!

Even being a super-confident person did not stop me from feeling like that, because it was an unknown.

I wanted it to go well.

But as I was editing the video, I cringed again and again at my incessant talking!

I was able to edit it out, you will be happy to learn, but the jury is now out on whether I will do this again…

However, I Still Wanted To Show You The Video - So Here It Is!

Before I end, I absolutely must thank the businesses which allowed us to use their premises for our shoot!

Crates Is High Record Store - Launceston: View their Instagram profile

Liberty Coffee - Launceston: View their Instagram Profile

If you would like to find out about working with me on your own Personal Branding Photo Session, feel free to get in touch via the link below!

Andrea de Gabriel

Cornwall Portrait Photography For Women, and Branding Photography For Small Businesses, by Andrea de Gabriel Photographer - Cornwall & Devon

Overcoming Camera Shyness To Achieve Stunning Personal Branding Photos


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