21st Anniversary Post: The Client Who Made Me Cry!

Back in 2003, I opened my mind and my business up to booking, primarily, female clients…

and sure enough soon my first portrait session was booked!

**For privacy reasons, this image is not from the photo shoot I am writing about, in this post.

In those days it was not called a "makeover".

That was something bigger studios, especially in London, were doing as far as I could tell, and my business was in its infancy so no such fancy-schmancy notions (yet!).

I offered a Portrait Photo Session, for which the client did her own make up and brought along her favourite outfits.

My posing skills were also in their infancy, though I was by no means embarrassing myself!

Finally, the day arrived for my first "proper" client booking & photo shoot.

I will never forget this young woman, for many reasons: In her mid-twenties, quite shy and unassuming.

I photographed her session, doing my very best, and once we were done she seemed happy with the way everything had gone - and so was I!

Move forward a couple of weeks and I asked her back for her Portrait Reveal.

In those days I had a projector and a proper screen - It was all very impressive, and massive!!!

She sat, very quietly, through the viewing and I was genuinely worried at her silence: I was certain that I'd failed miserably, with my very first client!

But at the end of the viewing she ordered a number of prints, and I thought "Ok, so maybe I have not failed, completely!"

The day arrived for her to collect her order, and it is a day I will never forget…

We sat down at my kitchen for a cup of coffee, as she looked at the prints, and then she said it:

"I want to thank you. I used to wake up in the morning, look in the mirror, and hate myself.

I felt ugly and worthless.

Since seeing these photos I do not feel like that anymore, and I even plucked up the courage to get back in touch with my dad who I have not seen for years."

I was lost for words at this sincere sharing of emotions, and as she left I sat at my kitchen table, put my heads on my hands, and cried.

Tears of my own emotion, joy, and gratitude.

Until that point I had been lost in many doubts about how I could possibly make anyone's life better with what I do as, after all, that was the whole reason behind this career change.

In one short conversation that young woman answered that question, and I KNEW I would never doubt again or look back.

I am very proud to have, since then, been told by many female clients that their photo shoot experience had an equally positive effect in their lives.

What else can I ask for, as a professional?

My business journey posts will continue, next week, so come back to find out what happed next!

Andrea de Gabriel

Cornwall Portrait Photography For Women, and Branding Photography For Small Businesses, by Andrea de Gabriel Photographer - Cornwall & Devon


21st Anniversary Post: Where have all these kids come from?


21st Anniversary Post: Forget Gigs And Sport Photography!