21st Anniversary Post: Asking The Difficult Questions To Make The Right Decision!

As I look back to the earlier years of my business and career, there are many, countless, highlights.

Wonderful moments I carry forever in my heart and mind - far too many to share in one post.

The unforgettable faces of humans I've interacted with, and who got so much out of our work together.

Happy clients.

Happy memories for us all.

But at some point in 2018 it became clear to me that, although I still adored my work and my clients, my current services no longer "served me" as a professional, as a business, or as an artist.

I had grown used to the work, and it became a job rather than what I had set out for myself as a vision.

One thing I knew: That would no longer do!

Too many compromises, a few tears of frustration, and a growing feeling of no real direction and being lost.

All of which was a complete contradiction to my actual life, given that I was, after all, doing what I loved!

And yet I could not shake the feeling that a big change had to happen.

I took a couple of days off in order to distance myself from work and to be able to think more clearly about what was wrong, and how I could move forward.

By the time I got back behind my desk, I knew what I had to do:

My services for weddings, newborn babies, children, and families, had to come to an end.

I faced the fact that I no longer got out of these styles what I used to get, and that my clients deserved better than a half-enthusiastic photographer.

🌟I am an all-or-nothing person!🌟

The scene was now set for what I knew I had to do:

I was going back to the beginning - To Women Portraiture!!!

Turns out that making the decision was the easy part…

The re-invention began, and it felt good to have a direction, again!

Andrea de Gabriel

Cornwall Portrait Photography For Women, and Branding Photography For Small Businesses, by Andrea de Gabriel Photographer - Cornwall & Devon


21st Anniversary Post: Re-Educating, Re-Branding, & Going Back To Move Forward


21st Anniversary Post: Weddings? Maybe Just The One…