21st Anniversary Post: Weddings? Maybe Just The One…

There I was. Minding my own photography business, when a friend calls me:

📞"Can you please photograph my wedding?"

📞"Eeeeerrmmmm… I am not a wedding photographer"

📞"We know, and that's ok! You are coming to the wedding, anyway… So let us know how much it will cost and we are happy to pay you"

📞"Ok. As I have never photographed a wedding before, and this could be a disaster, just pay for any prints you will want and I will photograph it as a gift to you both. How's that?"

📞"If you are sure… And we trust you to do a great job. We love your photos!"

Way to go flattering me into taking a headlong dive into this potential disaster!!!

But ok. They were warned, and I was not charging them anything.

What could go wrong?

I looked at some wedding photos to check how it was done at the time, and the sheer variety of styles blew my mind.

I figured I'd have to find my own style, and thought:

"It is just ONE wedding, and no more after that…" 🧐

🌟No one was more surprised than I was when the images were actually good, and I had enjoyed capturing them.

🌟After that day I was hooked!

🌟I started advertising for small, local registry office, weddings and slowly honed my skills.

🌟I soon became very good at wedding photography and went on to work in some of the most beautiful, high end, venues in the UK as well as winning industry awards.

Time passed and I got busier, but I still recall the exact day when my feelings changed, and I was no longer in love with wedding photography…

I'd promised myself that if that day ever came, I would stop taking bookings, and this is exactly wat I did!

I wanted to photograph portraits again, and that was it…

So in 2019 I photographed my last wedding.

Do I miss it?


I became very fond of the couples I worked with and some even came back to me once they had their first baby, for some family photos.

There was a gentle and beautiful continuity to that, which I loved.

I have fabulous memories from these sixteen years, and have always said that I would come out of retirement for one or two special weddings.

In this short video you can see some of my most loved wedding images, and there are still thousand I could show.

So I am not averse to getting an enquiry, especially now that I am in Cornwall!

Aaaahhhh… Beach weddings!

Andrea de Gabriel

Cornwall Portrait Photography For Women, and Branding Photography For Small Businesses, by Andrea de Gabriel Photographer - Cornwall & Devon


21st Anniversary Post: Asking The Difficult Questions To Make The Right Decision!


21st Anniversary Post: Where have all these kids come from?