In business and in our personal lives, showing the world our authentic selves can be so scary!

It is tempting to hide.

To put on a public persona.

To use a well-rehearsed voice, or to just say what we think people want to hear.

A bit like when you find out about how tv and news presenters had to learn to speak with a standard accent, in order to be acceptable to the public.

Is this how we want the world to be, though?


Devoid of any hint of individuality?

If that's what anyone wants or expects of you, may I suggest that this person, people, organisation, is/are not the right fit for you or your business?!

Our uniqueness is what makes us all wonderful, and worthwhile.

It is what makes us individuals, and interesting!

It is what makes our work and offering attractive to many people!

For that alone we should never, ever, want to comply with anyone's idea (or ideal) of perfection.

So here's my two cents to you, and to all women and businesses I work with:

Welcome into your life the clients who "get you", those who appreciate your uniqueness, and who respect it.

  • You are not too much. You are not too little.

  • You are just perfect.

Anyone who cannot see that fact deserves to see your back, as you walk away from them.

  • Because being authentic isn’t easy.

  • It takes determination to not be convinced that you need to change.

  • It takes determination to not be scared to be seen, and heard.

But it is worth it!

SO worth it!

People you do business with, want to know who you are and what you are all about:

It is about the KNOW-LIKE-TRUST factor, isn't it?

Most of all, being authentic means being at peace with yourself, in the knowledge that you are enough!

If you would like to find out more about working with me on your Personal Branding, and creating images which reflect your authentic self, I’d be over the moon to hear from you and to book an informal chat to find out if we are a good fit for working together!

Andrea de Gabriel

Cornwall Portrait Photography For Women, and Branding Photography For Small Businesses, by Andrea de Gabriel Photographer - Cornwall & Devon

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