How To Optimise Your Business Website For SEO! A Guest Post By Inyene Udom


Inyene is a business connection of mine, on LinkedIn, and when I wrote a post asking women in business if they wanted to contribute a Guest Blog post which would add value, and be informative, to other women in business, she quickly replied saying that she be interested in taking part!

True to her word she sent me her contribution and I am delighted to be able to publish this incredibly useful post, written by Inyene. on a subject which can feel incredibly elusive to us all who run a small business: SEO


Inyene is a website and SEO expert who passionately helps entrepreneurs create wow websites that show up on Google and turn visitors into clients.

She combines 18- years of experience working with small businesses, helping them to understand and use software to improve their businesses to guide her clients through website development and search engine optimisation (SEO)

Image © Inyene Udom

What does SEO stand for?

S: Search

E: Engine

O: Optimisation

Did you notice that there are THREE words (S.E.O) that made the entire thing?

Search - These are people looking for services similar to yours

Engine - These are places they go to to find information. For example; Google

Optimisation - This is the process of helping your website show up in search results.

What Exactly is SEO?

SEO is the process of getting your website seen and found by people who are looking for services

similar to yours on search engines like Google. This is an organic way of getting traffic to your

website and you can turn those visitors into clients.

How Does SEO Work?

Each time you pick up your phone to google something . . that’s SEO. Have you ever booked a car, or

holiday, ordered food, bought books online, etc? That was an SEO. Your job is to help your website

show up, get found and rank the first page on Google so that you can turn visitors into clients.

How SEO can help you turn your website, visitors, into clients

We all live in a fast-paced world. The COVID-19 pandemic makes many people realise the need

to shop online. The online space has become more useful for many people than a few years

ago. Many people are becoming more aware of how to google things. That is a great source of

information for you as a business owner. Your business can be seen and found online by the

right people, and get quality traffic that becomes clients without paid ads.

How to get started on the SEO journey

❇️You need a website that works: Not all websites are created to work the same way. Gone

are days when you say . . . when I build they will come. Your website is part of a business asset,

when you become passive about how your website looks and feels, you miss out on what is

important to your target audience. That’s money you are leaving on the table.

❇️Why need to know your target audience: A website's target audience is an individual or

group of people who will see value in what you do. Not everyone will appreciate you and your

method of delivering those values. That's OK. Your goal is to focus on those groups of people

that will feel excited to buy from you. Offer them an executive incentive to inspire them to

choose you over competitors

❇️You also need an SEO strategy: There is no point in knowing all about your audience,

creating the right website and then taking little or random action on maximising opportunity from

your website. Many small businesses struggle to create and implement an SEO plan that turns

traffic into clients.

How to optimise your website for SEO

Below are what you can do to optimise your website for SEO

1. Start with keyword research

2. Give your website keyword an objective or something to sell

3. Make your website easy to use so that you can retain more visitors

4. Create and optimise your Google business profile

5. Create quality content on your website targeting those keywords

6. Place your keywords in the right places on your website

7. Optimise your website page title (that’s the URL) for search results.

8. Optimise your website meta descriptions so that search engines can easily understand

your target audience.

9. Optimise images on your website for search engines

10. Optimise the website's Internal and external links

If you found this article helpful and informative, and would like to find out more about Inyene’s work, or how she can help you with your SEO needs, here are her contact details:






Resource: Free SEO guide for small businesses. Check it out here

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